Battle of Haldighati


A narrow mountain pass n the Arravallis located around 40 Km from Udaipur, connecting the districts of Rajsamand and Pali, it is believed to have got it’s name from the turmeric colored soil here. It would be witness to one of the most epic battle ever in Indian history on June 18, 1576.

Akbar had captured Chittorgarh in 1568 after a long siege, that saw the massacre of it’s inhabitants, as well as the heroism of Jaimal and Patta who resisted till the end. . It’s ruler Udai Singh had fled from the fort, and founded a new capital at Udaipur. However while the fertile eastern plains of Mewar were under Mughal control, the more wooded, hilly regions were still out of bounds, which he wanted to capture to get a secure, stable route to Gujarat via Mewar.

He however had to reckon with the biggest hurdle in his mission, Maharana Pratap, the son of Rana Udai Singh, who had grew up listening to tales of Akbar, devastating Chittorgarh after capturing it, massacring it’s inhabitants,  mounting their skulls in a heap. There was no way Pratap would have ever surrendered to Akbar, after listening to the horrors wrought on the inhabitants of Chittorgarh. It would have meant insulting the sacrifice of Jaimal and Patta, and to the souls of the thousands massacred after Akbar conquered Chittorgarh.

And he took a vow not to rest, till Chittorgarth was regained. Food was to be eaten only in leaf plates, no gold or silver vessels.  Beards were not to be trimmed, and they would sleep only on straw mats, till it happened . He ruled for some time from Kumbhalgarh, as well as strengthening the mountain fortress of Gogunda.

Pratap however had to be fighting a lonely battle, with his own brothers Jagmal, Sagar, Shakti Singh moving over to the Mughal camp. The kingdom of Amber under Man Singh had already submitted to Akbar, and he would later be one of the Mughal Emperor’s close confidantes. Maldeo of Marwar, who earlier had repelled Sher Shah Suri,  was compelled to follow, and submitted to Akbar.  Two major states, Marwar and Amber had surrendered to Akbar, most of the minor Rajput chieftains, who neither had the clout nor power surrendered too. Even

Akbar tried his best to bring over Rana Pratap to his side, sending envoys to his court. The first envoy he sent was Jalal Khan Qurchi, a favoured servant of his, who failed in the mission.He later sent missions under Raja Bhagwant Das, Todar Mal his finance minister, but they too failed. He then sent Raja Man Singh, the ruler of Amber, whom Pratap rebuffed. It’s believed that Pratap refused to dine with Man Singh, saying he could never with someone who sold his soul to the enemy, and also mocked him about giving his sister in marriage to Akbar.

This left Akbar with no other option but to go to war against Pratap, and sent a large Mughal army under Man Singh, who set up base at Mandalgarh, and set out for the hill fort of Gogunda, where Pratap had made his base. Haldighati was the narrow pass connecting the village of Khamnor, with Gogunda, where the Rana stationed himself ready to face the Mughals.

Though most Rajput rulers were on the side of the Mughals, Pratap still had a formidable force. Ram Singh Tomar, of Gwalior whose son Shalivahan was married to Pratap’s sister, and was deposed by Akbar, was on the side of Pratap along with his sons.

Hakim Khan Sur, a descendant of Sher Shah Suri, fought on the side of Pratap along with his Afghan army. Known for his artillery skills, he had been seeking revenge against the Mughals for defeating his forefathers and ending their kingdom.

Rao Poonja led a Bhil contingent of archers, who had historically been a part of Mewar from long. Jhala Mansigh who would play a crucial role, Ramdas Rathore, the son of Jaimal, Bhim Singh of Dodia and Pratap’s minister Bhama Shah along with his brother Tarachand.

Rana Pratap had a 3000 strong cavalry, 2000 infantry, 100 elephants and 100 lancers, but his forces were solely lacking on the artillery front. Hakim Khan Sur, Bhim Singh and Ramdas Rathore made up the 800 strong vanguard. While the 500 strong right flank was under Ram Singh Tomar and his sons, along with Bhama Shah. Jhala commanded the left flank having around 400 warriors. And in the center was Rana Pratap, astride on Chetak, a Kathiawari breed war horse, that served it’s master well, carrying his huge lance and sword.

The Bhil archers stationed themselves in the crevasses of Haldighati with their bows and arrows, ready to throw down rocks too.

The Mughals had a contingent of 85 warriors under Sayyid Hashim of Barha, leading the front lines, while the vanguard had a sizeable contingent of Rajput warriors from Ambar under Jagannath, and the Mughal forces under Bakhshi Ali Asaf Khan. Man Singh himself was seated in the center, and an advance reserve led by Madho Singh Kachhwa came next. The Mughal left wing was commanded by Mulla Qazi Khan (later known as Ghazi Khan) of Badakhshan and Rao Lonkarn of Sambhar and included the Shaikhzadas of Fatehpur Sikri, kinsmen of Salim Chisti, and flanked by the rear guard under Mihtar Khan.

18 June, 1576

The armies clashed at Haldighati, as Rana Pratap led a furious assault in the initial phase, devastating the Mughal army’s right and left flanks. However the reserves were able to hold the charge, as Man Singh personally led the rear guard into the battle now. Mihtar Khan who followed him, spread rumors about impending arrival of Akbar, that raised the morale of the Mughal forces. Though the Mewari forces were disheartened, and many began to retreat, Pratap once again led from the front his crimson banner fluttering proudly. And following him, were Jhala, Hakim Khan, Ram Singh straight into the ranks of the Mughal Army.

A pitched battle was fought between Rana Pratap and Man Singh, with the latter having to retreat.  Pratap then charged at Prince Salim on the elephant, and almost had him at his mercy, before the javelin, just missed the mark, killing the mahout. The battle now reached a feverish pitch, with neither side willing to yield, and the soil of Haldighati was soaked red with blood.  Pratap himself was rescued thrice, but the Mughals now were gaining an upper hand, thanks to their fire power.

Jhala, understanding the gravity of the situation, urged Pratap to retreat from the battle field. He himself wore Pratap’s insignia, his helmet and charged into the Mughal ranks. Jhala fought like a cornered tiger till the end, before breathing his last. Man Singh was shocked to see that the man killed was not Pratap, but his own chieftain Jhala. In the meantime Rana Pratap, was riding into the hills, pursued by the Mughal soldiers.

His loyal horse Chetak, bore his master, over the treacherous passes and streams, inspite of being injured badly, took his master into the safety of the jungles, but succumbed to it’s injuries. Pratap had lost 500 of his own kin, only 8000 of his 22,000 strong force survived. Ram Singh of Gwalior perished in the battle along with all of his sons. For some time Pratap took refuge in the hills, before recapturing Kumbhalgarh again.

However Akbar using a mix of treachery and a long siege once again captured Kumbhalgarh, while Man Singh captured the mountain fortress of Gogunda. Udaipur was captured by Mohammed Khan, while Farid Khan took over  Chanond. Pratap was now essentially a fugitive with no place to call his own,  and moved with his family from hill to hill, from valley to valley, living on the verge of starvation in the jungles.

Yet Pratap’s resolve remained unshaken, and all the suffering did not make him reconsider his decision of not submitting to Akbar. However when one of his children fainted due to hunger, and his wife began to feel insecure, Pratap’s resolve was shaken for the first time.He sent a letter to Akbar, signalling his willingness to surrender.However one of Pratap’s staunchest admirers Prithviraj,  sent a letter to him, stating that he should never bring disrepute to Mewar.

The hopes of the Hindu rest on the Hindu ;yet the Rana forsakes them. But for Partap, all would be placed on the same level by Akbar ; for our chiefs have lost their valour and our females their honor.– Prithviraj to Rana Pratap.

This once again bought the spirit back to Pratap, and he vowed to rather die than surrender to Akbar. He resisted the Mughal Army that had come to take him, and when  all seemed to be lost, the Bhils once again came to his rescue, routing the Mughal contingent. And they also sheltered Pratap and his family too. However he still lacked the resources to fight against the Mughals. He had lost almost everything at Haldighati. It was at this stage, that Pratap’s minister Bhama Shah, came to his rescue.

Bhama Shah, was one of the wealthiest men in Mewar, accumulated over generations of service by his family to the throne of Mewar.He put all his wealth at Pratap’s disposal, saying it was needed more than ever for the liberation of Mewar. Soon Pratap once again, managed to raise an army, and resources with the help of Bhama Shah. Around the same time, the Mughals too were caught up with revolts in Bengal, leaving Mewar free for Pratap to recapture.

Akbar himself was caught up in the North West,  and Pratap made best use of the opportunity. Soon Pratap recaptured the forts one by one, Kumbhalgarh, Gogunda,  Udaipur, Ranthambore. He also built a new capital of Chavand near Dungarpur. He succesfully used the guerilla tactics against the Mughals, and recaptured most of Mewar back. However Pratap’s dream of capturing Chittorgarh, still remained elusive. He passed away at his capital of Chavand, in 1597, still nursing dreams of his beloved Chittorgarh.

About Ratnakar Sadasyula

Blogger with a passion in movies, music,books and history. A techie by profession, and a writer at heart. Author of City of Victory a book on Vijayanagar Empire
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